NATO Phonetic Alphabet

Morse Code Table

Character Telephony Morse Code Pronunciation
A Alfa .- AL-FAH
B Bravo -... BRAH-VOH
C Charlie -.-. CHAR-LEE
D Delta -.. DELL-TAH
E Echo . ECK-OH
F Foxtrot ..-. FOKS-TROT
G Golf --. GOLF
H Hotel .... HOH-TEL
I India .. IN-DEE-AH
J Juliett .--- JEW-LEE-ETT
K Kilo -.- KEY-LOH
L Lima .-.. LEE-MAH
M Mike -- MIKE
N November -. NO-VEM-BER
O Oscar --- OSS-CAH
P Papa .--. PAH-PAH
Q Quebec --.- KEH-BECK
R Romeo .-. ROW-ME-OH
S Sierra ... SEE-AIR-RAH
T Tango - TANG-GO
U Uniform ..- YOU-NEE-FORM
V Victor ...- VIK-TAH
W Whiskey .-- WISS-KEY
X X-ray -..- ECKS-RAY
Y Yankee -.-- YANG-KEY
Z Zulu --.. ZOO-LOO
Character Telephony Morse Code Pronunciation
0 Zero ----- ZE-RO
1 One .---- WUN
2 Two ..--- TOO
3 Three ...-- TREE
4 Four ....- FOW-ER
5 Five ..... FIFE
6 Six -.... SIX
7 Seven --... SEV-EN
8 Eight ---.. AIT
9 Nine ----. NIN-ER

The NATO Phonetic Alphabet: Why Is It Used?

In order to avoid confusion when exchanging letters via radio or telephone transmissions, especially during times of conflict like World War II, the phonetic alphabet was developed. Saying the letters "S" and "F" aloud, for instance, has a similar sound. As a result, the phonetic alphabet is utilized to indicate which letter is being pronounced (for example, "Foxtrot" for "F" and "Sierra" for "S").

The phonetic alphabet is an essential component of spelling alphabets and code words because people use it to share codes that combine letters and numbers, ZIP codes, license plate numbers, and other information. It is not usually used for sending distress signals such as SOS, although it can be very important in emergency situations.

How to Use the Translator

Follow the steps below to use the translator:

  1. Press and hold the "Translator" tab.
  2. In the first textarea, type or copy the English text.
  3. Look at the text in the second textarea that has been converted to the phonetic alphabet.
  4. Just type the text into the second textarea to convert it back to the NATO phonetic alphabet.
  5. Just remove the text from the box and repeat the process to convert more text to the phonetic alphabet.