Morse Code Alphabet
Morse code is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters as sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes (or dits and dahs). Below is the Morse code representation for the English alphabet and numbers.
Letter | Morse Code |
A | ·− |
B | −··· |
C | −·−· |
D | −·· |
E | · |
F | ··−· |
G | −−· |
H | ···· |
I | ·· |
J | ·−−− |
K | −·− |
L | ·−·· |
M | −− |
N | −· |
O | −−− |
P | ·−−· |
Q | −−·− |
R | ·−· |
S | ··· |
T | − |
U | ··− |
V | ···− |
W | ·−− |
X | −··− |
Y | −·−− |
Z | −−·· |
Morse Code for Numbers
Number | Morse Code |
0 | −−−−− |
1 | ·−−−− |
2 | ··−−− |
3 | ···−− |
4 | ····− |
5 | ····· |
6 | −···· |
7 | −−··· |
8 | −−−·· |
9 | −−−−· |
Special Characters in Morse Code
Symbol | Morse Code |
. (Period) | ·−·−·− |
, (Comma) | −−··−− |
? (Question Mark) | ··−−·· |
' (Apostrophe) | ·−−−−· |
! (Exclamation Mark) | −·−·−− |
/ (Slash) | −··−· |
( (Left Parenthesis) | −·−−· |
) (Right Parenthesis) | −·−−·− |
& (Ampersand) | ·−··· |
: (Colon) | −−−··· |
; (Semicolon) | −·−·−· |
= (Equals Sign) | −···− |
+ (Plus Sign) | ·−·−· |
- (Hyphen) | −····− |
_ (Underscore) | ··−−·− |
" (Quotation Mark) | ·−··−· |
$ (Dollar Sign) | ···−··− |
@ (At Sign) | ·−−·−· |
What Does the Dash and Dot Code Mean?
Dots and dashes are the basic building blocks of Morse code, which was first applied to telegraph lines. It can also be conveyed as electrical pulses or flashing lights, particularly in amateur radio bands. A lengthy signal is represented by a dash, whereas a short signal is represented by dots. There are a set of dot-dash combinations for every letter in the alphabet (A–Z), the digits 0–9, and punctuation marks (such as the fraction bar or slash "/"). For every letter and number, this generates a code. A message is conveyed when dashes and dots are utilized in a certain order. Symbolized as "... ---...", the universal distress signal "SOS" is a prominent example. Procedural signals, also called "prosigns," such as "K" (which denotes "OVER") are also used to standardize and expedite communication.
Is Morse Code Easy or Hard?
Morse code is not that hard to learn. The English alphabet has 26 codes, and the numerals 0 through 9 have 10 codes. Furthermore, there exist Morse code letters for different types of punctuation; however, the precise quantity may differ depending on the punctuation marks utilized. When a Morse code alphabet is provided, deciphering the codes is simple. Without a Morse code translator, learning the codes by heart can be difficult and take some time.
Is International Morse Code Used in the US?
The US does, in fact, employ international morse code. "American Morse Code" was the original name of the Morse version used in the United States. Actually, the first Morse code looked like this. But for consistency in international communications, the International Morse Code standard is utilized today.